tisdag 12 juli 2011

Långa löprundor för medeldistans

Här är en fin artikel om betydelsen att springa långt även för medeldistanslöpare. Skälet till detta finns angivet i första stycket av artikeln:

What are the physiological changes long runs produce that are beneficial to someone who is racing for a short period of time? According to Running Times columnist and coach, Greg McMillan, there are three key physiological adaptations that occur in the body during a long run: enzymatic, capillary and musculoskeletal. When you run long, you increase enzymes in your muscle cells and grow capillaries, which are the small vessels that surround the cells. These important changes allow more oxygen to be delivered to working muscles. You also strengthen your muscles, tendons and ligaments. "These adaptations help you in shorter races like the 5K because it's still primarily an aerobic activity," McMillan says. "The more oxygen that you can deliver to the working muscles, the better your performance will be. And the stronger your muscles, tendons, bones and ligaments become, the more you are capable to conduct better race-specific training like intervals."

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