It’s not just that the low-carb group ran slower; they also slowed down more between the start and finish. The greatest difference in speed between the two groups occurred from the 35-kilometre mark to the finish – exactly when you’d expect a carbohydrate shortage to wreak havoc in a 42.2 km race.
Ett sätt att få i sig så mycket är helt enkelt att dricka kalorierna, för en marathon är ett speciell händelse:
The simplest solution, Dr. Stellingwerff says, is to add up to two litres of sports drink (which typically contain about 55 to 60 grams of carbohydrate a litre) to your diet on the day before the race.
“For most people, I normally say that you should get your calories from food and your fluids from water,” he says. But the day before a marathon is an exception: You should be relaxing, not trying to win a pasta-eating contest.
Det som för mig är mest egendomligt är att mängden kolhydrater under själva loppet hade mindre betydelse.
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